Why Sellers Choose Us

Have You Ever Thought About Selling Your Business?

If so, you may have wondered:
Sunbelt – The place to sell a business in Canada!

No matter what size of business you are looking to sell, we have the expertise and resources you require. As business intermediaries, we follow a proven process that protects both buyers and sellers when selling a business in Canada. It’s our job to get the right questions asked and answered and to help both parties achieve their goals.

Sunbelt sells more privately owned businesses than anyone else in the world

Businesses offered through trained business intermediaries have a much higher listing to closing rate than those offered through realtors or listed directly by business owners. As trained business intermediaries we are trained to sell businesses. And that’s what we do!

We have registered pre-screened buyers

As business intermediaries, we know the market and have access to a database of active buyers — owner-operators, financial buyers and strategic acquirers — looking for businesses.

Our extensive network of professional contacts among accountants, lawyers, bankers, business coaches, consultants, wealth planners, insurance experts, venture and entrepreneurial sources also ensures that active buyers in the market are routinely, and in some cases exclusively, referred to us.

What is my business worth?

Sunbelt Valuation Analysts are exceptionally well trained, certified, and have access to the best in technology and resources. They are complemented by the experience and skills of the Sunbelt Intermediaries.

As an owner you not only want to know what your business is worth before you make a decision to go to market, but you also want to know what are the value drivers so that you have the option of increasing value before you sell.

We maximize value when selling your business

As trained intermediaries, we have expertise in business valuation in Canada, financial statement analysis, taxation implications, inventory, goodwill and so on. We know how to optimize the value of your business to move it up the value chain.

We assure confidentiality when selling your business

We respect your need for confidentiality and have protocols in place for advertising, disclosing information, and handling buyers in order to protect the seller and their business.

We Minimize the Risk When Selling Your Business

The lower the perceived risk to a buyer, the more a buyer can afford to pay and the more a seller will receive.

We focus on finding the right business for the buyer—starting the transaction with a buyer that has the necessary experience, skills, ethics, financial resources, risk tolerance and passion is more likely to lead both parties to a successful outcome.

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